Regional Inspector (Technical) Examination 2020 Total 28 Posts | UP Public Service Commission


Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh

Regional Inspector (Technical), Examination-2020

Advertisement No.: A-2/E-1/2020

Important Dates

1- Date of Commencement of Online Application: 03.11.2020

2- Last Date for Receipt of Examination Fee On-line in the Bank: 28.11.2020

3- Last Date for Online Submission of Application: 03.12.2020

Note: On-line application will be completed in three stages:

First Stage: Candidate Registration

Second Stage: Fee to be deposited

Third stage: Proceed for final submission of application 

Note that the above steps will be sequential

Application Fee 

The prescribed fee of examination for different categories is as under:-

Unreserved/Economically weaker Sections/Other Backward Class  - Exam fee ` 200/- + On-line processing fee ` 25/-                                    Total = ` 225/-         

Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe             - Exam fee ` 80/- + On-line processing fee ` 25/-

                                                                Total = ` 105/-

Handicapped                                    - Exam fee NIL + On-line processing fee ` 25/-

                                                                Total = ` 25/-

Ex-Service Man                                 - Exam fee ` 80/- + On-line processing fee ` 25/-

                                                                Total = ` 105/-

Dependents of the Freedom Fighters/Women     - According to their original category 

Presently, the No. of Vacancies is 28 which may be increased or decreased in special circumstances on the request of the State Government.

 Post - Permanent/Non-Gazetted

Pay Scale: Matrix level - 7   Rs. 44900-142400/-


(1) Must have passed the High School Examination

(2) (i) A diploma in Automobile Engineering (3 years course) or 

   (ii) A diploma in Mechanical Engineering awarded by the State Board of Technical Education (3 years course) or 

      (iii) Any qualification in either of the above disciplines declared equivalent, by the Central Government or State Government: and 

(3) Working experience of at least one year in a reputed automobile workshop which is undertakes repairs of both light motor vehicles, heavy goods vehicles and heavy passenger motor vehicles fitted with petrol and diesel engine and 

(4) Must hold a driving license authorizing him to drive motorcycle, heavy goods vehicles and heavy passenger motor vehicles 

(5) Must have a thorough knowledge of Hindi language is written in the Devanagari script. 


Candidates must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have crossed the age of 40 years on July 1, 2020 i.e. they must have not been born earlier than 2nd July, 1980 and not later than July 1, 1999. For PH candidates, the maximum age limit is 55 years i.e. they must have not been born before 02 July, 1965. (ii) Relaxation in Upper Age Limit:


The date and center of Written examination/Practical examination decided by the commission will be intimated to the candidates by means of their e-Admission Certificate. 

Candidates serving under the Central or State Government will have to produce 'No Objection Certificate' from their employer-issued by the competent authority. 

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